Understanding and Managing Stress
Stress, anxiety and depression now makes up for 43.8% of all workplace illness in the UK and it is predicted this figure will increase. In another recent survey 74% of people in the UK felt overwhelmed and unable to cope in the past year. Long term stress can lead to emotional difficulties such as depression and anxiety. Long term stress can also lead to many physical health difficulties such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and gastrointestinal problems. We also know that a certain level of stress can be useful and it can help us to perform better and achieve what we wish to achieve in life. The Yerkes-Dodson Law helps us to understand how achieving an optimal level of stress can improve our performance and productivity. This workshop aims to help develop your understanding of stress, how you conceptualise managing stress and provide you with the opportunity to plan how you can manage stress in your life.
Understanding stress
We will spend some time looking at the science of the stress response. This will develop your understanding of why long term stress can be damaging. We will also explore the bodies natural response to stress and why we have evolved these responses to help us survive.
What causes stress
We will explore the causes of stress and share our own individual experiences. I will then help you to understand how our perception plays a big role in our stress response. Additionally we shall look at how our history and genetic make up cause our stress response to be very different from person to person.
Managing stress
We shall discuss what has helped us to deal with stress in the past and I will share with you a number of techniques that I have used with clients. I will allow you time to consider lifestyle changes that may benefit you and ask you to commit to changes that you feel will help reduce your stress levels and so improve your mental and physical health. For businesses we will also look at changes your company can implement that will help to reduce the stress levels of your staff overall, improve wellbeing and hopefully productivity as a result.
If you are approaching this as a business I am more than happy to provide a workshop for you and your employees. If you are interested in finding out more please make contact using the form below. I charge £500 for a 3 hour workshop and recommend 8-12 participants. For 12 participants this works out as an investment of roughly £40 per staff member.
Alternatively if you are an individual who has interest in this area I can take your details and inform you of when my next workshop will be running. I use a number of locations in St Helier to run the workshop and am flexible with timings depending on demand. If you are interested please use the form below to contact me. I charge £40 per individual to attend the workshop and book a time and date as soon as I have 12 participants.